Castle Of Gloom Sound Cover

Beeinflusst durch AdventureSpiele auf dem Computer, EndzeitFilme und FantasyLiteratur entstand der Text zu Castle Of Gloom. Im Grunde geht es wie immer um den Kampf zwischen Gut und Böse. Ein alter weiser König verliert sein Reich an die finsteren Mächte und startet den Versuch, mit einem Haufen verwegener Abenteurer seine Macht zurückzubekommen und den Palast der bösen Herrscher zu zerstören. Natürlich glorifiziert auch dieser Song die mittelalterlichen Schlachten, bei denen noch Mann gegen Mann gekämpft wurde.

Intro: Far to the north, in the endless ice,
A crystal palace raises up to the skies.
Once banished to the desert, a king old and wise,
For return of fortune, he had thrown the dice.
To wipe out the evil, to destroy the doom,
He drew up his army to fight against the castle of gloom.
1. Thrusted into prison, but in the dark of night,
When the guards were sleeping, he arranged his flight.
Going to a land where his heart was finally broken,
Far away from the power of doom.
He searched for friends and at least the words of conspiracy were spoken:
"We‘ll break the evil spirit in the castle of gloom!"
2. Strange looking adventurers with no fear to die,
On their march to glory, hear their battlecry.
Sailing cross the ocean to a land behind the curtain -
A curtain of darkness and doom.
They’ll fight with shield and sword but the ending is uncertain
When they’ll try to destroy the castle of gloom.
B. Sailing on and on, don't stop we can't go wrong, let us fight brave and strong
Through the waves so high, we think we have to die, in the endless sky.
See the albatros fly, through the sky and he knows why, we have to die.
3. After heavy travelling through the stormy sea,
We reached the landscape, we want to set free.
Climbing from the shore to the mountains of the desert,
Where a lake lies between black clouds of fume.
We saw the soldiers marching, armored and bloodthirsty
When we finally reached the castle of gloom.
Epilog: And the mourning of the soldiers is heard until dawn
And the fighting goes on and on and on.
And the fighting goes on and on and on.